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PY202 Python Beginners Part 2
April 22, 2019March 1, 2023

PY202 Python Beginners Part 2

Based on what students have learned in PY101, they will dive deeper into Python & PixelPAD. Students will learn about creating worlds, with multiple playable areas and simple patrolling characters. Students will finish with a unique platformer puzzle game!

space shooting game
April 20, 2019March 1, 2023

PY201 – Python Beginners Part 1

Students learn the basics of Python, by using the web-engine PixelPAD, software specifically designed to teach students how to code! This course is intended for our youngest students with little to no technical background. Students will learn about input, x and y coordinates, conditions and collision in this course, ending with their very own spaceship game!

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